Council vows to block traffic emission cameras

Council vows to block traffic emission cameras

The Liberal Democrat-led Sutton Council has announced its intention to fight the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) by blocking any possible measures to support its implementation.

In an announcement, Sutton Liberal Democrats said: “We are concerned the cost will be borne by people who are already struggling to make ends meet during a difficult time, including small business owners and key workers.

“Sutton Council will not sign a Section 8 agreement with Transport for London, which means we will not cooperate and no Sutton Council funds or resources will be spent installing ULEZ cameras.”

The party has called for a scrapping scheme that covers all residents and small businesses in the area, more time for people to switch to compliant vehicles, and investment in public transport, including new buses and trams.

A spokesman for the Mayor of London told ELN: “The Mayor has made it clear that expanding ULEZ across London was not an easy decision, but a necessary one to reduce the capital’s toxic air pollution, tackle the climate emergency and reduce congestion our city.

“Approximately 4,000 Londoners die prematurely each year from our city’s toxic air, with most deaths attributable to air pollution in outlying London, which the ULEZ does not currently cover.

“The Mayor has listened to Londoners throughout this process, which is why he has announced the biggest scrapping scheme yet – £11omillion – to help Londoners who need it most, including charities, low-income Londoners and disabled Londoners, micro-businesses and sole trader .

“Every penny raised from the expansion will be reinvested back into the provision of public transport, including the largest expansion of bus routes outside London.”