Couple's viral video on moving back in with parents

A married couple, who moved back in with their parents while saving for a deposit on a house, have had a comedy social media post they made about the experience go viral.

Couple's viral video on moving back in with parents

Bec and Sam Bartley, both in their 30s, have been living with her parents in Herne Bay, Kent, since July 2023.

The couple, both professional comedians, posted the parody video on social media where it has had 15m hits on Instagram and another 1m on TikTok.

Ms Bartley said they "didn’t expect it to blow up and go viral".

She said: "We have had so many hits. Even Dizzee Rascal liked it."

Mr Bartley said: "I think we just happened to tap into something really current that a lot of people are experiencing.

"And we were poking fun at ourselves."

The married couple had been renting a flat together in London for four years.

The said they "just couldn’t save for a deposit" as their joint income was "being eaten up by rent, bills and living expenses".

They moved in with Ms Bartley's parents, Sarah and Phil Horsley, to "save for a deposit and get onto the housing ladder".

Ms Bartley said: "We pay for our bills, and petrol but we do not pay rent to my parents who enjoy having us here.

"We just directed them in the video and asked them to look miserable."

After 11 months living with their parents the couple said they now have the 20% deposit needed to buy a property.

They have had an offer accepted on a two-bedroom house in Folkestone.

Ms Bartley said: "There is a stigma attached about still living with your parents in adult life – but for us it was a practical way to help us achieve what we needed."
