Gov Buni urges clerics to pray for Nigeria, leaders

The Yobe state Governor, Hon. Mai Mala Buni CON, has urged clerics in the country to continue praying for the prosperity of Nigeria and its leadership.

Gov Buni urges clerics to pray for Nigeria, leaders

In a statement by his DG, Press and Media Affairs, Mamman Mohammed, the governor made the call when the National Leader of Jama’atul Izzalatu Bid’a wa ikhamatu Sunnah (JIBWIS), Shiek Abdullahi Bala Lau, paid him a courtesy call in Abuja.

He said religious leaders have great roles to play in shaping the thinking of leaders, the people and government for a better country.

“You serve as reminders, guiding leaders in government and the society.

“Your summons and preaching should guide leaders to serve God and humanity for an improved welfare to the people.

“You should always and continuously remind leaders of their roles in serving God and the people.

“You should not abandone leaders to their ideas and wisdom in piloting the affairs of state or country” Gov. Buni said.

Earlier, Shiek Bala Lau, said he led Yobe state leaders of the Islamic organization to congratulate Gov. Buni on the award of the National Honour of Commander of the Order of the Niger CON to the Governor.

Lau assured Buni of JIBWIS support for his administration to succeed.

“We will continue praying for Yobe state and Nigeria for sustainable peace, progress and prosprity” the cleric assured.

-the sun