Joasia Zakrzewski: Ultrarunner who used car says she made massive error

A top ultra-marathon runner who was disqualified from a race for using a car says she made a "massive error" accepting the trophy for third place.

Joasia Zakrzewski: Ultrarunner who used car says she made massive error

Joasia Zakrzewski said her actions were "not malicious" and the incident was caused by miscommunication.

Dr Zakrzewski, from Dumfries, took part in the 2023 GB Ultras Manchester to Liverpool 50-mile race on 7 April.

It was later discovered she travelled by car for about 2.5 miles before continuing to complete the race.

The 47-year-old GP, who now lives near Sydney in Australia, told BBC Scotland how she had become lost on the course around the half-way mark when her leg began to feel sore and she started to limp.

The pain became so bad that when she saw a friend on the side of the course and she accepted a lift in his car to the next checkpoint to tell marshals she was pulling out of the race.

"When I got to the checkpoint I told them I was pulling out and that I had been in the car, and they said 'you will hate yourself if you stop'," Dr Zakrzewski said.

"I agreed to carry on in a non-competitive way.

"I made sure I didn't overtake the runner in front when I saw her as I didn't want to interfere with her race."

When she crossed the line she was given a medal and a third place wooden trophy and posed for pictures.

The runner, who had arrived from Australia the night before, said: "I made a massive error accepting the trophy and should have handed it back.

"I was tired and jetlagged and felt sick.

"I hold my hands up, I should have handed them back and not had pictures done but I was feeling unwell and spaced out and not thinking clearly."

Third place in the race has now been awarded to Mel Sykes.

Dr Zakrzewski, said: "I'm an idiot and want to apologise to Mel. It wasn't malicious, it was miscommunication.

"I would never purposefully cheat and this was not a target race, but I don't want to make excuses.

"Mel didn't get the glory at the finish and I'm really sorry she didn't get that."

Dr Zakrzewski said she regretted not clarifying with the marshals at the end of the race that she was not running competitively.

She said she was "devastated" by what had happened and extremely upset to see "haters" on social media calling for her to have a lifetime ban.

"I've given so much to the running world so I am devastated this has happened," she said.

Wayne Drinkwater, the director of the GB Ultras race, said that after the ultramarathon he received information a runner had gained an "unsporting, competitive advantage during a section of the event".

He said data from race tracking systems had been checked and statements were taken from other competitors before Dr Zakrzewski was disqualified.

Mr Drinkwater said a report had been submitted to the Trail Running Association, which provides the licence for the event and is an associate member of UK Athletics.

In February, at the Taipei Ultramarathon in Taiwan, Dr Zakrzewski won the 48-hour race outright - setting a world record across 255 miles (411.5 km).

Racing for Great Britain in the IAU World 100km Championships, she won individual silver in 2011 and bronze in 2014 and 2015.

She also represented Team Scotland in the marathon at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

In 2020, aged 44, she won a 24-hour event in Australia with a distance of 236.561km.

She has set a number of records including the Scottish 24-hour record, the British 200k and the Scottish 100 miles record.
