Neurology department set for review amid 'concerns'

Jersey's neurology department will be reviewed before the end of the year amid "issues".

Neurology department set for review amid 'concerns'

It follows ongoing concerns within the service regarding disorders and diseases of the nervous system.

The review, to be conducted by the Royal College of Physicians, is just one of the recommendations from the medicine improvement plan.

Chris Bown, the head of Jersey's health service, said the department needed to be reviewed to ensure it provided the best care.

He said: "We know that single handed practitioners are a thing of the past for a whole range of reasons, not least the consultant's nowadays don't want to work on their own, they want to be part of a team.

"What we're asking the Royal College of Physicians to do is to give us a view on how we might organise neurology for Jersey."

The proposals, which include more than 60 ways to improve Jersey's health service, is based on information from several professional reviews and a "serious incident" review.

In an update on this plan, experts classed a review of the neurology department as a red - or urgent - recommendation because of "ongoing issues".

Although the plan does not give any detail about these issues, it says the review was advised after the serious incident review findings.

It follows critical assessments of the island's radiology and rheumatology departments.