School celebrates African Commonwealth connection

School children in St Helier have been forging links with their partner school in Cameroon to mark Commonwealth Day.

School celebrates African Commonwealth connection

Pupils from Jersey's d’Auvergne School have been talking to children from Bridget Bilingual Nursery and Primary School in Bamenda via a video link.

The children, aged 7 to 8, have been learning about each other’s countries, culture and lives.

Teachers hope the cultural exchange meeting will be the start of a longer relationship between the schools, benefitting both pupils and staff.

Sam Cooper, head teacher of d’Auvergne School, said the Commonwealth Day celebration would be just the beginning of an ongoing relationship.

"We want our pupils to have an understanding of life beyond our island and to be able to relate to those from a background very different to their own," he said.

"In addition, our teaching staff are also looking forward to exchanging experience and contributing to the professional development of their counterparts in Cameroon to support a more equitable education for all."

The video link-up with Africa was arranged by the Commonwealth Education Trust.

It appears to have been a big hit with the children at d’Auvergne School who took part.

"It's been very cool to talk to children from different cultures," said one pupil.

Another pupil said: "It's been really, really fun and I really, really enjoyed it because you get to learn things about another school in a different country, and it's just been really, really nice talking."
