Stephen Bear jailed for 21 months for sharing revenge porn sex tape

Stephen Bear claimed he had deleted the footage but was found guilty of voyeurism and two counts of disclosing private, sexual photographs and films in December. Georgia Harrison said she has been through "absolute hell" since the footage was shared in 2020.

Stephen Bear jailed for 21 months for sharing revenge porn sex tape

Disgraced reality TV star Stephen Bear has been sentenced to 21 months in prison for sharing a revenge porn video of him having sex with his ex-girlfriend on his OnlyFans account.

The 2016 Celebrity Big Brother winner, 33, shared CCTV footage of him having sex with The Only Way Is Essex star Georgia Harrison, 28, in his garden in 2020 on the online subscription site.

He was found guilty of voyeurism, and two counts of disclosing private, sexual photographs and films in December.

Ms Harrison, who also appeared on Love Island, waived her right to anonymity and said she had been through "absolute hell" since 2020.

During a trial at Chelmsford Crown Court, the prosecution said Ms Harrison and Bear had consensual sex at his home in Loughton, Essex, but she did not know they were being recorded.

Ms Harrison said that when Bear showed her the footage she told him "never to send" it to anyone and "made it plain how upset she would be if he did", prosecutor Jacqueline Carey KC said.

The complainant said she saw Bear send the footage to someone on WhatsApp later that day, and later that year she was made aware that it was circulating online.

The prosecution told jurors Bear - who attended his trial in a hired chauffeur-driven white Rolls Royce wearing a black fur jacket and sunglasses - uploaded the footage "either himself or had it uploaded to OnlyFans and profited financially".

After Bear's guilty verdict, Ms Harrison said in a statement through police that the "last two years have been absolute hell and this verdict will allow me to start to put the pain I have suffered in the past and start embracing the future".

She said: "I hope me taking a stand gives other men and women who have fallen victim to revenge porn the courage to seek justice and most importantly show them that they have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of."

Bear denied all charges and claimed at trial that he deleted the footage that day and had shared it with no one other than Ms Harrison.

During his trial, Bear's Twitter account posted a "50% off" deal for his adult entertainment website alongside a photo of him arriving at court accompanied by his girlfriend Jessica Smith.

While awaiting sentencing, Bear, who had been on bail since his conviction, shared a video on his Twitter account in January of him proposing to Ms Smith at a restaurant and her saying yes.

-sky news