Strike on Aid Workers in Gaza: ‘US Knows How to Be Silent’ on Jewish War Crimes – Analyst

The Biden administration has upped pressure on Israel in the wake of its strike on World Central Kitchen aid staff.

Strike on Aid Workers in Gaza: ‘US Knows How to Be Silent’ on Jewish War Crimes – Analyst

A warning was issued that US policy on Gaza would depend on Israel’s measures to mitigate civilian harm in the enclave, according to a readout of a call between US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

When the White House suddenly begins to express its frustration with the Israeli Army’s actions in Gaza, as we see now, it’s “all about politics and upcoming presidential elections,” Mehmet Rakipoglu, a researcher on international affairs at Dimensions for Strategic Studies, a London-based think tank, told Sputnik.

The flurry of official statements now coming out of Washington showing concern about civilian casualties in Gaza is hypocritical, according to the pundit. From day one of the current spiral of the Palestine-Israel conflict, the US has cared precious little about civilian deaths. As it stands, the Gaza Strip’s health authorities have said that 32,916 Palestinians have been killed since the hostilities began.

But “politics” has prompted Washington to speak up in the wake of the Israeli strike on aid workers from the World Central Kitchen organization, Mehmet Rakipoglu noted.

“I think it is all about politics. What I mean by that is that there are going to be elections in the US in November and now the American government and Biden administration are concerned about losing the elections to Trump. Most probably, he will win the elections because of the Muslim Democrats and their votes. They will not vote for Biden. They will boycott the elections. This is the reason why the Biden administration is now trying to criticize Netanyahu,” the analyst stated.

-the intel drop