Trace Live: Night Cavemen dazzled fans with highlife music

Highlife siblings, Kingsley Okorie, bassist and Benjamin James, drummer both known as The Cavemen were hosted by Trace Live penultimate Thursday at Terra Kulture, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Trace Live: Night Cavemen dazzled fans with highlife music

The band performed a long list of great songs off their albums and singles. Fans couldn’t get enough of the musical duo as they dazzled with hits such as Live and Let’s Live, Bella, Beautiful Rain, and Anita among others.

The 8-member Cavemen gave a soothing rendition of instrumentations as the fans sang along with excitement. According to Kingsley Okorie, “We are telling our story, our perspective of highlife music. We can stay here all night to entertain you and not get tired, but you have to come to our show on December 23 at Landmark.”
