'Criminal thuggery' in Sunderland as rioters target mosque and set police station on fire

A police station was set on fire and objects thrown at officers as a protest in Sunderland escalated into a night of "criminal thuggery".

'Criminal thuggery' in Sunderland as rioters target mosque and set police station on fire

Eight people were arrested for a range of offences - including violent disorder and burglary - after riots broke out apparently in response to the Southport stabbings.

Three police officers were taken to hospital after being injured, with two needing further treatment.

Police had projectiles thrown at them as they attempted to contain the group of several hundred protesters in the city's Keel Square.

As a helicopter flew overhead, young men threw stones at officers and chanted "whose streets? Our streets".

Some of the protesters were draped in England flags and chants in support of far-right activist Tommy Robinson could be heard.

Other members of the march, which set off from the square just before 7pm, shouted insults about Islam.

Mounted police and officers in vans followed the group as they made their way through the city - and a stand-off later unfolded between police and protesters outside a mosque, where objects were thrown at officers.

Some people complained about "two-tier policing" as officers made a protective ring around the mosque.

Later in the evening, an overturned car was set on fire in the city centre while marchers set off fire extinguishers on police officers.

Police in Liverpool were also forced to defuse tensions on Friday night, as protesters and counter-protesters gathered outside a mosque.

A small scuffle broke out between protesters as police moved in, with counter protesters chanting: "Say it loud, say it clear: Refugees are welcome here."

'You don't speak for Sunderland'

North East Mayor Kim McGuinness said she was "appalled" by the scenes in Sunderland.

She said: "Make no mistake, if your response to tragedy is to use it to commit violence, to abuse others, attack the police and damage property you stand for nothing except thuggery.

"It's not protest. It's crime and disorder. You don't speak for Sunderland. You don't speak for this region.

"Those grieving in Southport will take no comfort from this."

Chief Superintendent Helena Barron later said that the "disorder, violence and damage which has occurred will not be tolerated".

She said officers showed "unwavering commitment" when faced with "serious and sustained levels of violence".

Meanwhile, Northumbria Police said their officers had been "subjected to serious violence".

"The scenes that we are seeing are completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated," they added. "Ensuring the public's safety is our utmost priority."

Sunderland Central MP Lewis Atkinson said: "Our city is not represented by a tiny minority causing trouble."

He added police have his "full support as they respond to criminal thuggery and work to protect all the communities of our city".

Friday was the third night of violent protests in English towns and cities this week, following the Southport attack which saw three young girls stabbed to death.

It's feared the unrest could continue this weekend. Sky News has seen posts on social media promoting more events in cities across the UK over the coming days, including one targeting a mosque.

Counter-protests are also being planned in response to far-right demonstrations.

British police chiefs have agreed to deploy officers in large numbers over the weekend to deter violence and there will be extra prosecutors on standby to charge people who set out to cause violent disorder, according to Gavin Stephens, chair of the National Police Chiefs' Council.

"We will have surge capacity in our intelligence, in our briefing, and in the resources that are out in local communities," Mr Stephens told BBC Radio, adding having additional prosecutors available would ensure "we see swift justice".

Mosques across the country are also on a heightened state of alert, the Muslim Council of Britain said.